After having seen ESB portal for about a decade now, in one of my recent installations ended up facing a peculiar problem with installation and configuration of ESB Portal on BizTalk Server 2016 multi server environment. Following are a few steps apart from the official documentation that I feel would help anyone stuck in a similar situation.
1. For ESB.BAM.Service change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<add connectionstring="Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=DatabaseServer_Name;Initial Catalog=BAMPrimaryImport" connectionstrings="" name="BAMEventSource">
2. For ESB.Exceptions.Service change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<connectionstrings> <add connectionstring="Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source= DatabaseServer_Name;Initial Catalog=EsbExceptionDb" name="EsbExceptionDbConnectionString" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"> </add></connectionstrings>
3. To create the ESB.Portal we need to run the Management_Install.ps1 script in the following location ..\Microsoft.Practices.ESB\ESBSource\Source\Samples\Management Portal\Install\Scripts location. If it’s a multiserver environment we also need to specify the database server name in the following section:-
RunDatabaseScript $relativePath”\SQL\ESB.Administration Database.sql” “DatabaseServer_Name”
4. For ESB.Portal change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<connectionstrings> <add connectionstring="Network Library=dbmssocn;Data Source= DatabaseServer_Name;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=ESBAdmin;" name="AdminDatabaseServer" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"> ……. </add></connectionstrings>
5. For ESB.Portal change the webconfig file to update the domain groups and service accounts. You need to add a role for IIS as well as mentioned below:
<authorization> <allow roles="Biztalk Administrators Group"> <allow roles="Biztalk Application users group"> <allow roles="Service Account for IIS service(Service account used to run BizTalk Isolated host instance)"> <allow roles="Administrators"> <deny users="*"> </deny></allow></allow></allow></allow></authorization>
6. For ESB.Portal change the Authentication settings to allow ASP .NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication.
7. For ESB.Portal Application pool should be EsbPortalNetworkAppPool running in Integrated Mode under Service account for Biztalk isolated Host Instance.
8. For ESB.Portal go to Advanced settings under IIS and make sure Enable32bitApplication is set to True.
9. Also make sure the Service account for Biztalk Isolated Host Instance has permission on the ESB Portal directory.
1. For ESB.BAM.Service change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<add connectionstring="Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source=DatabaseServer_Name;Initial Catalog=BAMPrimaryImport" connectionstrings="" name="BAMEventSource">
2. For ESB.Exceptions.Service change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<connectionstrings> <add connectionstring="Integrated Security=SSPI;Data Source= DatabaseServer_Name;Initial Catalog=EsbExceptionDb" name="EsbExceptionDbConnectionString" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"> </add></connectionstrings>
3. To create the ESB.Portal we need to run the Management_Install.ps1 script in the following location ..\Microsoft.Practices.ESB\ESBSource\Source\Samples\Management Portal\Install\Scripts location. If it’s a multiserver environment we also need to specify the database server name in the following section:-
RunDatabaseScript $relativePath”\SQL\ESB.Administration Database.sql” “DatabaseServer_Name”
4. For ESB.Portal change the connection string in the web config file to update the Database server name in the following section:-
<connectionstrings> <add connectionstring="Network Library=dbmssocn;Data Source= DatabaseServer_Name;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=ESBAdmin;" name="AdminDatabaseServer" providername="System.Data.SqlClient"> ……. </add></connectionstrings>
5. For ESB.Portal change the webconfig file to update the domain groups and service accounts. You need to add a role for IIS as well as mentioned below:
<authorization> <allow roles="Biztalk Administrators Group"> <allow roles="Biztalk Application users group"> <allow roles="Service Account for IIS service(Service account used to run BizTalk Isolated host instance)"> <allow roles="Administrators"> <deny users="*"> </deny></allow></allow></allow></allow></authorization>
6. For ESB.Portal change the Authentication settings to allow ASP .NET Impersonation and Windows Authentication.
7. For ESB.Portal Application pool should be EsbPortalNetworkAppPool running in Integrated Mode under Service account for Biztalk isolated Host Instance.
8. For ESB.Portal go to Advanced settings under IIS and make sure Enable32bitApplication is set to True.
9. Also make sure the Service account for Biztalk Isolated Host Instance has permission on the ESB Portal directory.